Performing Arts Mastery Program

The Performing Arts Mastery Track is designed as a rigorous, skill based, pre-professional program for those interested in the performing arts.

Students must apply to the program and commit to taking part in our productions, classes, and outside experiences. They will write yearly reflections and production response papers, work on our shows both as performers, crew members, and production leaders, and eventually devise and produce an original capstone project.

Benefits of the Performing Arts Mastery Program

  • Gain experience in all aspects of production
  • Access to individualized mentorship from our faculty
  • Engage in opportunities to network via specialized workshops and field trips
  • Create an independently produced capstone project
  • Build a resume and portfolio for college admissions

Academic Requirements

Students must complete 2.5 credits worth of Performing Arts classes. 

For the 2022-2023 school year, these offerings include: 

  • Theatre: Theatre 1, Theatre 2, Playwriting, Technical Theatre
  • Dance: Dance 1, Tap, Ballet
  • Music: Musical Theatre, Performance Choir, Voice I, Voice II, Ensemble, and Music theory.

**Please note that if a student repeats a course by choice - such as taking more than one year of performance choir - the course will only be counted once toward the track. 

Production Requirements

Involvement in our productions are required as part of this track. This includes the following:

  • Involvement in at least 2 Middle School shows (as crew or in a leadership role) before graduation
  • Involvement in at least one other production - Upper School play or all-school musical - as crew, leadership, or performer per year that you are in the track (sophomore, junior, and senior year)
  • General help with all Performing Arts concerts and events as front of house, run crew, tech help, etc. 

Capstone Proposal and Project

Students in the mastery track must produce a capstone project in their desired concentration. Examples included but not limited to:

  • directing a short (10 minute) play
  • writing a 10 minute play
  • designing costumes for a specific show
  • composing music for a dance performance
  • producing a short film
  • designing the set for a specific show
  • a research based thesis project with accompanying visual materials (for example, a poster board with images)

Projects will be performed and presented during the Spring Arts Festival every May. Research and design based projects will be displayed in the lobby and performances will enjoy a fully staged presentation of their work.

All interested students and their parents interested in the application form should contact Mrs. McAllister for more details.

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